中國文聯(lián)、湖南省人民政府將于2015年10月23日(星期五)上午10時在東城區(qū)北京站街9號湖南大廈舉行第四屆中國(湘潭)齊白石國際文化藝術(shù)節(jié)新聞發(fā)布會,請第四屆中國(湘潭)齊白石國際文化藝術(shù)節(jié)組委會主任、中國文聯(lián)黨組成員、副主席、書記處書記左中一,湖南省人民政府副省長李友志介紹第四屆齊白石國際文化藝術(shù)節(jié)籌備進展和“藝術(shù)與世界和平” 齊白石文獻原作精品展、當代國際藝術(shù)作品交流展等主題活動安排等方面情況,并答記者問。歡迎出席。
郵箱 密碼:qbs88888888。
電話: 13907320701/073158583221 聯(lián)系人 王芮
CFLAC(China Federation of Literary and Art Circles)and Hunan Provincial People’s Government welcome your attendance to the press conference at 10:00 AM, October 23, 2015(Friday)at Hunan Building, No.9 Beijing Station Street, Eastern Town District. Issues on the preparation progress of the 4th Session of China(Xiangtan) Qi Baishi International Culture Art Festival and the arrangement of the theme activities such as Qi Baishi Literature and Original Works Exhibition about “ Art and World Peace” and the Contemporary International Art Exhibition etc. will be introduced by Mr. Zuo Zhongyi, Director of Organization Committee of the 4th Session of China(Xiangtan) Qi Baishi International Culture Art Festival, and Party Member, Vice President and Secretary of the Secretariat of CFLAC, and Mr. Li Youzhi, vice governor of Hunan Provincial People’s Government.
Questions focused on the topic are warmly welcome to (E-mail), qbs88888888(Password).
Tel.:13907320701/073158583221 Contacts: Wang Rui
Attention:Press card issued by the State Council Information Office is required.
Add.:A Hall,Hunan Hall, 10th Floor of Hunan Building, No.9 Beijing Station Street, Eastern Town District, Beijing City.